
While doing research I have found my first subject for my boogazine:
Design and people's behaviour. I know the subject is very general so I ahve to now find the parts to concentrate on. Shapes, sizes? Majority I would like to concentrate on Psychology, Aesthetics and Sociology in this subject.

This is something what really interest me and I would like to further research it. Like people choices, what they do for example with stairs. If they have elevator and stairs. They will choose the elevators of course but what if they have a nice design on stairs. The curiosity will help them to choose the stairs. Thats one what I could focus on-
Enviroment- and how to help people through design go more green.

here are 2 examples of non designed and designed stairs ..
which are more appealing to you?

I think most people will chose this below one. Its because of our nature-curiosity and natural hunger for aestethic look.

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