

In Semester 1 you will be required to produce a document called the “Boogazine”, a piece of research and critical enquiry in the form of a magazine. Significant emphasis should be given to visual material in the work.

You are required to propose an object that you wish to research and to take a particular critical position about that object. ‘Object’ in this context is something that exists, or has existed in historical time. It could be anything as long as it:

a.     connects directly to interior design/architecture and
b.    you can research it in depth in order to develop and sustain a line of critical enquiry.

It should be also be something that you personally find interesting. It can be a building or interior, but it could also be for example, a film, design movement, item of furniture, architectural style , designer, book etc.. Your Boogazine should aim to find something new to say about the object.

Boogazine options will need to be approved by teaching staff at the start of next year.

At the start of the year (Week 2 or 3), you will need to give a short Powerpoint presentation of your favoured object of study. Please also present two back-up options, in case the favourite is deemed unsuitable. In preparation for this you are required to find three suitable options over the summer break and to begin research into them. Visual research should form part of your enquiry at this stage.

Where to Research

Use library resources, both on campus and online. Below is a list of web addresses to help you get started. Also look in design and architecture books and journals, magazines, online media , blogs or TV for suitable objects to study.  Document your findings and thoughts, copy relevant articles and save everything you find in a project workbook and/or folder or, even better, compile your own blog.

Some Websites/Blogs

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